Talks, walks & natter.



Every audience is different and the subject of birds of prey is so broad; it's never easy to suggest a specific talk for your group, but we do have some areas that I have previously covered which might interest you below.

If there is a subject specifically relating to birds of prey you are interested in to please get in touch and we can discuss your requirements.

Do you arrange talks for a group or organisation and need a passionate, informed speaker?

We have been giving talks covering a wide range of topics relating to birds of prey for several years and it's something we find incredibly important and enjoyable.


Subjects Close to Our Heart

  • Jimmi holding a bloody big eagle

    The Philippine Eagle - Saving the worlds rarest eagle

    The work of the Philippine Eagle Foundation needs to be heard by anyone with an interest in conservation and the natural world. The foundation has been leading the way in saving one of the rarest eagles in the world through captive breeding, rescue rehabilitation, protecting habitat and supporting and working with indigenous communities. Raptor Aid have made two visits to the Philippines to assist and learn more about this incredible organisation.

  • Monitoring British Birds of Prey

    Jimmi the founding trustee for Raptor Aid has been monitoring birds of prey for over 10 years as a licensed ringer and member of several raptor study groups. In this light hearted and informative talk he will explain the role of monitoring birds of prey plays in their conservation, which species and fellow conservationist’s he is lucky to work with and how you might get involve. Jimmi also makes sure there’s plenty of badly focused photographs and funny stories to laugh at along the way.

  • Birds of Prey - Culture, Past & Present

    Birds of prey have fascinated humans for centuries whether through the art of falconry, rare cave paintings and fossilised remains, greek mythology or shamanism. The subject is as diverse as it is fascinating and in this talk we cover many as many of the roles raptors have played in human societies and cultures. Birds of prey still feature in our modern day society through advertising and in many parts of the world the belief they have medicinal and super natural powers. Many of the modern day beliefs can have a huge impact on the conservation status of certain species and we discuss how we might need to change and learn to live alongside these birds holistically.

  • Species Specific

    Raptor Aid is fortunate enough to be made up of several trustees with a wealth of knowledge and experience working in species conservation. These species include Peregrines, Ospreys, White-tailed eagles and Barn owls plus several more. We would be happy to discuss a specific species or topic.